Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It started snowing really big pretty flakes this morning. Here is the view out my classroom window.

And I did take a picture yesterday but my camera was stolen, memory card and all (long story) before I could get the photo uploaded. :(


Holly Aytes said...

what a pretty picture. that was what it looked like up here yesterday and again this morning (we got more snow during the night). however it is all gone now :( so we are back to school tomorrow :(

did you get your camera back?

**MIGNONNE** said...

Oh no, that is devastating! I hope you get your camera back.

Anonymous said...

that wretched person for stealing your camera... i'm so sorry!!!

JenniferL. said...

And it was one of my students that took it (and my cell phone).

Pam said...

Awww....so sorry to hear your camera was stolen! Poor you!

Great shot though........